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Reasons to invest in Google Analytics 4 360 – part 2

The value of the paid version of Google Analytics 4 360, which we described in the first part of this article, does not end with the enhanced data analysis capabilities or the lack of restrictions on information storage. One of the key benefits is also the security of the data and the provision of high quality support services for the operation of tools from the Google Marketing Platform ecosystem.

Included in the GA4 360 license is access to Google Tag Manager 360, which provides basic functionality to enhance the implementation of Google Analytics and other marketing tools, as well as a high level of security when making changes to the site. Any error when implementing or updating tags in the GTM container can be a business risk. 

For example, a malfunctioning Google Ads or Facebook Ads marketing code could cause you to lose some of your marketing funds due to a campaign that is not working or is not optimized. In extreme cases, a code snippet injected by GTM can cause certain key functions, such as adding products to a shopping cart or filling out a contact form, to stop working, resulting in fewer purchases or leads. Google Tag Manager 360 has a number of options to help minimize the risks described above. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Fig. 1 Approvals and zones in the GA4 360 menu

1. Approvals

With this functionality it is possible to create an internal workflow based on the development of an approval path for changes made to the GTM container. By giving selected people the right permissions, you can ensure that any significant change is reviewed by the people who are responsible for it and, more importantly, have the right level of knowledge to verify its correctness. This functionality is particularly useful when working with agencies. 

For example, an agency team member can send an implementation approval request to the client-side marketing manager by selecting the appropriate email address and adding a comment. The manager can check that the task has been carried out correctly according to his or her area of responsibility, and then forward the request to the programmer, who will test the change and publish it to the site. In this way, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure the correct functioning of the website, as well as the analysis and marketing tools.

Fig. 2 Approvals section.

2. Zones

Zones allow you to work on multiple containers at the same time. If, for security or other formal reasons, you do not want to give the company you are working with access to the main container, you can allow them to work on their own container, which will be loaded together with the main container thanks to the zone functionality. You can add restrictions on what can be edited in a zone.

For example, you can restrict the ability to make changes to certain pages or tags. This type of functionality will work well if, for example, there are people responsible for different brands working on the site. You can configure the zone so that brand team ‘x’ can only make changes to sub-pages that contain the brand name ‘x’ in the URL. Such a brand container will not be able to publish changes to the other sub-pages on the site without permission.

Fig. 2 Zone section.

3. Two-stage technical support system within the license

Another important benefit when purchasing a license for Google Analytics 4 is access to GA4 and GTM technical support. As a certified reseller of Google Marketing Platform products, our experience in customer support has enabled us to develop our own system for handling requests and resolving issues for our partners. Requests submitted to support are double-checked. We get a response from the platform provider, communicating with specialists in Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, BigQuery, Firebase or Looker Studio. In addition, each answer is reviewed by a FullStack Experts specialist, who checks the quality, the degree to which the answer fits the question, and develops their portion of the material, which is then provided to the client in a form that allows for discussion to further explore the topic.

We most often answer questions about:

– Discrepancies between Google Analytics and other analytics or marketing tools.

– Conversion attribution.

– Help with creating a report in the Exploration section.

– Sampling data in GA4.

– Differences between data in GA4 and BigQuery.

– Incorrect classification of traffic sources in reports.

– Validation of offline data sent via Measurement Protocol.

– Problems with running tags in GTM.

Thanks to double-checking of queries and a wide range of reportable problems, you are guaranteed assistance if you have difficulties operating the tool or understanding the logic behind the structure and processing of the data.

4. SLA – Service Level Agreement

One of the components of the Google Analytics 4 360 licence agreement is the SLA (Service Level Agreement), which defines the quality of the service in terms of collection, reporting, data processing, access to the tool or frequency of statistics updates. However, the SLA contains some exceptions and does not apply to certain functionalities, such as data import, the processing time of information in exploration reports or real-time statistics.

It is also worth noting that the SLA will soon also apply to the export of data to BigQery, which is available to users of the paid version of GA4 with no limits. The quality guarantee for BQ is currently in beta and includes the assurance that data will be delivered on a daily basis for services classified as ‘Normal’ or ‘Large’.


Google Analytics 4 360 not only offers advanced data analysis capabilities, it also provides excellent support for your business. Features such as workflows, zones, technical support and SLAs are invaluable for maintaining the efficiency and security of your marketing activities. They help you avoid business risks associated with tag implementation errors or campaign performance failures. The Google Analytics 4 360 license becomes not only a tool, but also a partner in business.